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Spring 2021 Update

We are well over a year into the pandemic, and there are signs of hope in DFW. Both Cameron and I have received both doses of Pfizer, so now we and both sets of grandparents are fully vaccinated. Most of our friends have received at least their first vaccine, too. 

Elliot was visiting and her mama put her on a blanket, so Wren brought her a baby and joined her. ;)

Wren, Brooke and Elliot

Brooke's first birthday party

Reading with Baba

We received some sad news from Wren's daycare last week. They are closing permanently at the end of May, but we were lucky enough to receive a spot at a nearby sister campus. Wren starts at her new campus next Monday, May 3. We anticipate it will be a difficult adjustment for her, so we're trying to warm her up to it by talking about her "new school" and showing her the campus and playground ahead of time. Wren LOVES her teachers and her classmates, so we hope the transition won't be too hard on her.


We've spent many beautiful Spring days of Dallas outdoors at the Arboretum, Klyde Warren Park, the neighborhood parks and the Fort Worth Zoo. We also tagged along on Cam's family vacation to Crested Butte in March when Wren's classroom was closed due to a positive COVID-19 case. 

Dallas Arboretum

Fort Worth Zoo trip with mommy and Baba

Klyde Warren Park with Papa and Yaya

We're going streaking!

We're going up the quad and to the gymnasium!

Crested Butte with Cam's family

Wren is flirting with potty training. Some of her older classmates are potty trained, so she's determined to "go potty" like they do. She pulls down her pants and pretends to go into the bathroom and potty, but so far she hasn't connected the biology to it. ;) Hopefully we'll get there soon.

Wren's speech has exploded the past couple of months. I feel like I'm talking to an ordinary little human when we're having a conversation sometimes. She speaks in full sentences and seems to pick up multiple new words every day. She loves playing "doctor", baby dolls, singing songs (ABCs and Rock a Bye Baby are a couple faves), going on walks, reading books, and dogs. Oh my goodness, she loves all of the neighborhood dogs. 

Making some purchases at Cavender's

Daddy sick.

Daddy all better now.

Wren lights our lives up every day, and we're so lucky she's ours. :)


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