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2 weeks left as a family of 2

Do these yoga pants make me look pregnant?
Baby Wren's due date is in less than 3 weeks, but I have a C-Section tentatively scheduled for Friday, February 8 if she doesn't appear before then. She's still in the breech position, and we're trying a procedure tomorrow to flip her. Cameron and I are going to spend the next two weeks preparing for her arrival by setting up the makeshift nursery this weekend (we're still in our rental as our house is being renovated) and reading our required one chapter of baby books a night.

I've felt pretty good throughout my pregnancy, but the past couple of weeks have been tough! My hips and back hurt whenever I stand up, and it's hard to get comfortable at night. My sleep has been suffering a lot. I'm trying to maintain a normal, healthy lifestyle by exercising multiple times a week, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. All in all though, I've had a relatively easy pregnancy.

Just over two short weeks before we meet you, sweet girl. <3


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