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Fall Festivities

The pandemic is still raging in North Texas, so we've spent most of our social time outdoors the past couple of months. We've spent a lot of time with family. Babcia bought wren a Jeep, and loves to cruise the streets to show off her new ride. Yaya and Papa come to visit about once a month. We've had friends over to watch Texas football games on our deck, and have visited friends in their backyards. 

Our neighbors threw a fun pumpkin carving party for the little ones in their front yard the week before Halloween, and Wren dressed up as a Goldendoodle. Halloween was really fun this year! All four grandparents came over, and we set up chairs in the front yard to watch the trick-or-treaters. I set up individual baggies of candy for the kids to take for social distancing. Wren was a hot dog, and Cameron and I were mustard and ketchup. ;)

We've visited the Dallas Arboretum a couple times already with Wren and recently discovered the Children's Garden. Wren loved playing in the exhibits and listening to the live music on the main lawn. We're so lucky that the Arboretum is just minutes from our house.

Overall Wren is happy, healthy and soaking up the wonders of the world. She's seemingly learning a new word every single day. Some of her favorite words are "dark", "boo boo, hurt", "eat", and "bird". She loves FaceTiming her grandparents, dinosaurs, reading books (she "reads" them herself) and chips and queso. She makes my heart burst with pride every day. <3


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