We had Easter lunch with Babcia and Dziadziu on Sunday. Wren got so many goodies in her Easter basket and lots of fun new toys. She ate Babcia's salatka and squealed while she played her new piano. We had to keep Easter small this year because of the shelter in place guidelines, but Wren still had such a wonderful day. <3
We are certain of one thing about Wren lately - she is a water baby! The past few weeks we've taken trips to Lake Travis and to the Panama City Beach area of Florida with Wren. To say she loves the water is an understatement. We visited Lake Travis with Cam's family, where Wren took her first boat ride and swam in the lake. She was a little apprehensive at first, but then she had a blast "jumping" into the water from the boat. Lake life suited Oscar as well. Who needs a boating license? Lake life is exhausting Larry was kind enough to fly us to Florida so we didn't have to make the brutal choice of braving the COVID-19 crowds at the airport or a 14-hour car ride with a toddler. This allowed us to bring Oscar to the beach with us too! This was our third annual trip "crashing" Mark and Jordan's combined family vacation. It's a special trip for us because we love watching Mark's four niece...
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