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Showing posts from December, 2019

10 months, Santa is scary

Wren turned 10 months this month! She is fully recovered from the flu, although the past month she's still kept us on her toes. She's been really fussy the past few weeks and has been waking up in the 5:00s vs her normal 6:30. She's in a leap according to the Wonder Weeks app, but now I'm doubting the science behind it since the pediatrician couldn't confirm there's any real proof for leaps. All of Wren's sleep regressions have been temporary thus far, so hopefully this too will pass and we'll all be rested again soon. Just doing some daily "reading" We continue to introduce Wren to solid foods, although it appears she's still allergic to milk. She's successfully been eating table foods like black beans, vegetables, eggs and even a pork tamale, but she threw up after I gave her a few pieces of pizza over the weekend. I'll wait a few weeks and try dairy again, next time with something less aggressive than pizza! ...

Family and the flu

Poor Wren came down with the flu just in time for Thanksgiving. :( Larry and Melissa were in town last weekend, and we took Wren lots of fun places: the Perot Museum, the Arboretum, and our favorite restaurant Terilli's. She seemed to feel great and ate well all weekend, but then Sunday night, she woke up at 9 p.m. and screamed until 3 a.m. Cam took her to the doctor on Monday and she tested positive for the flu. Cam and I took turns staying home from work all week and kept Wren out of daycare. We had to cancel our original plans to go to Austin for the Texas football game and let her recover in Dallas. We spent Thanksgiving Day with my family at the Warwick in Dallas, where Wren had very little appetite. :( It took her a full week to recover, and she's still suffering from some teething pains. It's been a rough week for poor Wren! Wren has been ordering off the menu at restaurants. Here she is eating steamed veggies at Terilli's. Half of the plate ended u...