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Showing posts from November, 2019

9 months, first haircut

Our little birdie turned 9 months last week! She is riding all around the house in her walker, climbing stairs, pushing her sit-to-stand walker around the house, and most recently, eating three meals a day. We saw her GI specialist last week and made plans to slowly reintroduce her to dairy and soy next month. If that goes well, she might soon be able to start eating off the big kids' menu at daycare. One of my favorite new parts of the day with Wren is meal time. We went to Dream Cafe on Saturday and sat on the patio with Oscar. Wren got to order "off the menu" for the first time; she ordered a side of avocado and black beans. ;) She LOVES tomatoes - I cut cherry tomatoes into little bite-sized pieces for her, and she picks them up with her fingers and shoves them into her mouth. I'm looking forward to her being more like a little girl and less of a baby.   Wren also got her first haircut last weekend! She sat on Cam's lap and laughed at herse...

Favorites from our Fall Photos

Thank you Mallory Shelton Photography for capturing these beautiful photos of our family on this (88 degree) Fall day!

Halloween, Fun Fall Festivities, Teething and Time Changes

Our family went as rock, paper, scissors for Halloween! We took Wren "trick-or-treating" in our neighborhood in her scissors costume. I can't wait until she's old enough to actually understand what's going on, and to be able to partake in the candy eating so Mama doesn't eat all of her candy next time. ;) We visited the pumpkin patch at the Dallas Arboretum and enjoyed a couple patios in Dallas the past couple weeks since the weather has finally cooled down. We also celebrated my mom's birthday and took Wren to Perry and Jill's son Walker's 2nd birthday party. One day they'll be friends - once she stops pulling his fur and stealing his thunder. Wren's developing cute new milestones. She is pulling up and getting the hang of her walker. She just sprouted her first two teeth, and she hasn't been taking it well so far. She's been in a lot of pain the past few days, an...