Wren is going through such a fun, joyful stage right now. It seems that she's always happy, and everything we say or do makes her laugh. Oscar is sure to crack her up every time he looks in her direction- it's the cutest thing!
We are still giving Wren new foods to explore. Since the last update she's tried pears, pumpkin, green beans, and apples, and she's been a fan of it all. We're taking it easy on the carrots for a while because they seemed to make her a little uncomfortable.
Wren attended her first birthday party last week (Happy 1st Birthday, Sloane!), and she recently graduated to the big girl seat in her stroller. She has become a consistent sleeper - down at 7pm, up around 6:15am, and three naps a day. We're getting the hang of life with Wren, and she lights it up for us. <3
First walk in her big girl stroller |
Hanging with the big girls at daycare! |
Sloane's 1st Birthday Party |
Wren is usually super chill at bars and restaurants. We've made an effort to bring her along to Happy Hour after work about once a week. |
Happy Houring with Dad |
Our future musician, maybe? |
Zsa Zsa came to visit |
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