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Showing posts from May, 2019

3 months, first Mother's Day, growth spurt?

Wren turned 3 months a couple weeks ago! She's becoming increasingly aware of her body parts. She's now using her hands to play with her lovey and put it in her mouth. One thing that has significantly improved over the past couple weeks is she no longer cries the entire 45 minute drive to daycare. I purchased a mirror so she can stare at herself, started playing classical music in the car, and gave her a lovey to play with. She'll sometimes fuss a little, but she's WAY more chill. HUGE for my mental health! A new challenge we're facing is Wren started waking up at 2 am the past three nights after sleeping through the night the past few weeks. We suspect she's going through a growth spurt, because she's been super hungry and fussy lately. She's also recovering from back-to-back sicknesses from daycare. They say your baby will be sick nonstop once you put them in daycare, and that's no joke. My first Mother's Day was special. Cameron surprised ...

Nearing the end of the "fourth trimester"

The first few weeks after Wren was born and I was having a really hard time, multiple people told me that the first few months were the hardest, and then it gets better after that. Wren will be three months on Wednesday, and I can attest that it DOES get a little easier. Wren is actually becoming fun- I can't say this was the case the first several weeks when she cried all day. She's fussing less, sleeping better and enjoying when we take her places. We thought we had cleared a big hurdle when Wren started sleeping through the night last week. She went an entire week of 9-10 hours of sleep a night, but then regressed this weekend and woke up in the middle of the night again. We suspect that it's because she wasn't in daycare Fri-Sun, and daycare is what tires her out at night. We'll see what happens tonight. ;) So much for sleeping through the night... ;) Zsa Zsa came to visit again this weekend I started reading to Wren! She loves ...